This is a form of debt that is paid off over an extended time frame that exceeds one year in duration. Obtaining a long term loan provides you with working capital that it can use to purchase assets, build a home or start a business which can then be used to create additional income for the borrower.
Ufanisi Loan
- Repayment period is 60 months
The loan must be fully guaranteed by non-withdrawable deposits
Development Loan
Repayment period is 48 months
The loan must be fully guaranteed by non-withdrawable deposits
Nafuu Loan
Repayment period is 48 months
The loan must be fully guaranteed by non-withdrawable deposits
- Member MUST channel/have their net salary paid through FOSA
Based on your (net) salary and ability to repay
Repayment period of up to 48 months
Maximum loan amount is Kes 30 million